Wednesday 15 October 2008

Faliron Bay,redefining(?) the relationship between Sea and City

Diploma thesis, September 2005

Konstantinos Dimitrantzos
Maria Katzagiannaki

The project area is part of the Athenean coastline in Faleron bay. The embouchure of Kifissos on the Southwest and the embouchure of Ilissos on the Southeast form the geographic boundaries of the site plan which on the North side adjoins the elevated Poseidonos highway. The average width of the “polder” is 350m and the total coastline is 720m.
Collecting the characteristical elements of the area constist the beginning of our design procedure. The reconstruction of the image of the area is realised through an analysis of the urban and local scale. The priorities in the procedure of planning are the following.

- The creation of the conditions which allow the crossing of the highway through a number of interventions in the contiguous areas and primarily in the transitional zone in between them.
- A complete landscape redesign of the area.
- The positioning of specific functions thus aiming at the enrichment of spatial mobility and action.

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