Wednesday 15 October 2008

Benvud 3.0/ Nece(c)ity

Kostas Dimitrantzos, Saurabh Vaidya, Barbara Casini Cortesi

...The effect, the impression or emotion, in no way implies a knowledge of the system’s laws (harmony, composition).Couldn’ t the urban be conceived along these lines? Couldn’t it be considered a virtuality, a presence-absence?...”
The Urban Revolution, Henri Lefebvre

Our city is a spatial interpretation of a possible future community in the region of Poplar. The existence of this social formation is based on an intellectual game of time transitions, progressive and regressive movements between the present and the projected future.
From the contemporary context to the frozen image of a possible future in 2088 a leap in time bridges the two moments and also produces a blind field in between. During these 80 years the community is transformed into a new spatial agglomeration. The forces that are forming this definite future of Poplar are complex and opaque. Historicity and structuralism are unable to predict the vast possibilities of urban transformations. Therefore our tools of interpretation consist in a series of narratives. 5 different subjects unfold their personal stories so as to deconstruct and subdivide the mechanisms and the spatial configuration. The tracing of these individual paths reveals fragments of the social structure and enables us to understand points of departure of this small urban project. The ambiguity and the complexity of the urban life in 2088 are reconstructed continually through the concept of surrealistic views , urban legends and illusions.

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